Elevating Voices for Mental Health Change with Dr. Jennifer Ulie, Ph.D.

Dive deep into the world of mental health advocacy with Dr. Jennifer Ulie in the debut episode of Raising a Beautiful Mind  @mymensana  As a seasoned expert and passionate advocate, Jennifer shares her personal journey, laying the foundation for what this podcast aims to achieve. Explore the power of stories and voices in shaping the mental health narrative and understand why amplifying them is crucial for lasting change. This isn’t just a journey for professionals or those directly affected—Jennifer extends a hand to all listeners, offering essential tips every parent can employ. Join us in this groundbreaking episode as we embark on a mission to redefine and revolutionize the conversation around mental health.

Learning Lab: www.mymensana.com/learning-lab

Toolkit for Parents Navigating Schools & Mental Health: https://mymensana.com/parent-back-to-school-mental-health-checklist/

How to Find a Therapist: https://medium.com/raising-a-beautiful-mind/therapy-for-kids-9-essential-steps-for-parents-in-finding-the-right-therapist-ce37baee7dc

Key Takeaways:

3:01 Why a podcast?

8:46 The reality of mental health by the numbers

15:30 Why it's time to take mental health voices out of the shadows

19:20 How do our systems invest in mental health vs. other medical conditions

28:15 Re-evaluating to invest in what works

34:25 Recommendations for parents/caregivers on mental health journey

45:02 If you need help with schools and mental health

48:30 What I wish someone would have handed me decades ago